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❤️ Be LOVE!
The Intensive Intimate 1-2-1 Experience with Natalie 

The ultimate transformation journey to re-programme your subconscious beliefs 

2 month 1-2-1 transformational journey with Natalie

Join me on this Intensive, intimate 1-2-1 advanced transformational 2 month journey, where you will work directly 1-2-1 with me to unveil your deepest subconscious negative beliefs and thought patterns, so you can create an iconic love story with a new love or a specific person. 

I only have limited spaces for this programme and will create a wait list when needed

Did you know the BIGGEST myth about affirming is “all you need to do is to affirm and to saturate yourself in them.” 

Yes, you will get some results, but it’s time to stop kidding yourself that cheap engagements will cut it! 


It is about pouring in to you the CORRECT affirmations, like Rachel and Katherine did, that aligned to their root cause. 


Unveiling the root is such potent transformative work because you don’t know what it is unless you do the neural pathway work to pull it out of you once and for all!


I am so excited to bring this advanced, intensive, life transforming and unique programme,

“Be LOVE!” to you all with the intensive intimate 1-2-1 experience with me.  

With replays ready for you to immerse yourself in, and now with 2 months of 8,1 hour weekly sessions with me, in warm, safe and friendly zoom sessions, this is an advanced deep and intensive life transforming programme, which is why Be LOVE! is unlike any others out there! 

Let's see what clients are saying about Be LOVE!❤️...

" Lately I’ve been feeling this sense of confidence that almost feels so natural but I’ve never experienced this level before and can I just say. It feels amazing!. I recently had a job interview for another physio clinic, and the owner was so happy with the treatment, she was so surprised in my skills as a new grad. She basically offered me the job straight away. Before doing the interview I was not anxious or wavering at point. I went in with a determined mind and kept telling myself, “I am the most confident version of myself”.

I’ve also been in the mood to take a few photos of my new version and have been loving the process of my new self concept and body transformation over the course of the Be Love program, I can say now I feel all the effort and love I’ve put into myself these past months and it’s really paying off. So many opportunities arising financially, the right people are staying in my life supporting me, I’m not afraid to do things alone. So I’m eager to see how the next few months pan out.Just wanted to also express my gratitude to Natalie Dance for the wonderful program you put together, really has been life changing. Your mentorship has definitely opened up my eyes to the endless potential and possibilities I can achieve in my life."

Client Australia

" I’ve started working on the intentions, while continuing with the true essence meditation, affirmations and gratitudes. I feel more at peace than I have ever felt. After finding the root I had an unexpected experience with a former SP over the weekend. There was so much drama that I would have once accepted and participated in, but this time I chose me.  I chose to release this drama from my life. 

Since finding the cause of the root, which was past life, I’ve felt I have a lightness about me that I don’t think I’ve felt since I was a kid. I’m also receiving so many more invitations and messages from the friends who I feel amazing around. Thank you so much Natalie, so much positive change in such a short time. "

Client Australia

" I am in my second month of Be LOVE!, I feel my vibration has shifted and the way I now deal with my boyfriend, family and  work colleagues is way more relaxed. I am no longer seeking attention nor am I panicking if he takes a bit longer to reply to me. I have been using the Neville Goddard Living in the End method for work which is a part of the second phase of the Be LOVE! Programme. Last week out of the blue I received three requests to consult with large fees. I let go of someone that for years had not been pulling their weight in my own business and I found it so easy to be objective and for the first time I found is so easy. A few days later someone more qualified approached me about this job. When one door closes a better one always opens." 

Client Bahrain

"Since working on the gratitudes and affirmations, I was at the gym in the morning training legs and I had finished up with the leg press machine and I had a few plates to remove. When a nice man came up to me and said, “let me help you remove the plates, you’ll be here for ages haha”. And I felt so grateful and appreciated that a random stranger came to help me and I used that experience to reinstate my positive gratitudes and affirmations!. Felt really nice to see some change in the 3D world." 

Client Australia 

I finally think I’ve felt that sense of relief digging deep. I literally have been feeling a lot lighter the past few days. When I felt my root cause stemmed from generational/birth. I spoke to my mum about it and she explained her sadness and frustration from marrying my dad. And blamed the arranged marriage on my grandfather for not listening to her, she never felt heard, she felt abandoned at the time, neglected, she lost all confidence. So I think at the time she felt stuck once she gave birth to me, so in response to that I felt what she felt as well during childhood and in turn I experienced most of my child dealing with things by myself alone. It was just astonishing to hear that from her. But it gave me the insight I needed and really sticking to the homework because this stuff is really magical. Everyday I feel a lot closer to releasing all those years of hurt!"

Client Australia

I can say this journey has been nothing but amazing for me! Not only seeing movement from my SP but more healing within myself." 

Client USA

" After lasts weeks videos and being consistent with the homework, I am feeling amazing! "

Client USA

" After doing the Discovery work, I was astonished at the amount of limiting beliefs that came up. As an adult I now know there were not true but I can see how the same patterns were playing at all areas of my life. Just writing them all down from all these different events that happened to me as a child, made me feel relieved. And after releasing them one by one, as hard as it was to do it, I feel now so light. As if they actually are vanishing.

For the last three days I have not been feeling attached to anything, no fear, no restlessness, no need to work harder, no need to prove myself, no need to give excuses to ANYONE, this is priceless."

Client Bahrain

" The first time I did my inner child meditation I was extremely emotional, but since then it has been a pretty positive and light experience without tears, just happiness. I know Natalie said this would happen but I didn’t think it would happen this fast."

Client USA


" Just two days into the morning practices and looping and I’m already seeing positive results. I definitely feel calmer, and when there’s a wobble through the day it doesn’t bother me as much as it used to. Excited to be on this journey. "

Client Australia

Recently I’ve been getting so many nice compliments and experiences from strangers and friends. I feel like my positive vibration is being felt and people think I’m very approachable to have a conversation with. Friends noticed how much drastically I’ve changed mentally and physically but also were concerned, but that is because I’ve been distant and really pouring a lot of energy into myself and staying true to the practices, which has been quite lonely but seeing results really spurs you on. Job wise, I’ve been getting so many phone calls back from companies and seeing so many opportunities arise it’s crazy. Even today with my first client I had, he complimented how well I treated his back and leg issues and wanted to rebook with me next week. I definitely feel my reality shifting to what I want and it’s such an amazing feeling. Job wise, I’ve been getting so many phone calls back from companies and seeing so many opportunities arise it’s crazy. Even today with my first client I had, he complimented how well I treated his back and leg issues and wanted to rebook with me next week. I definitely feel my reality shifting to what I want and it’s such an amazing feeling."

Client Australia


" Thank you Natalie and everyone, it’s great following along with your stories in the exclusive FB group. It helps me recognise the positive change on my own journey."

Client Australia

Now lets talk about the Be LOVE! programme, which is split into two phases.


Phase ONE and TWO are ready for you to access and dive into immediately, along with the self-love healing practices (aka your homework) in a captivating library of content for you to immerse in. 


During the healing phase replays, you are taught by me how to journey to your own subconscious neural pathways to uncover your root cause. This is so unique and rare because you will be LEARNING how to access your INNATE POWER, to outwit your EGO by developing such a potent transformative skill, you will be able to take this skill with you for life! The healing phase is for you transform within to finally become the version of you that you were born to be…….

The root is the driver/controller of the trajectory of your life and until you know what it is, it’s very hard to transform your life how you want it to be, as I and my clients had found out. 


With the life transforming skill, you learn how to dig deep, to pull that weed out and to revise it with empowering beliefs and learns from YOUR subconscious MIND. 


You see, once YOU know what YOUR ROOT is, YOU can turn it around within MINUTES!

YOU do this by diving back into the subconscious mind to get the truth of you through the learns (empowering beliefs and affirmations) you will be given, with my guidance in the modules, from accessing your subconscious mind.

It is this stage that enables you to FINALLY override the root and to FREE you from this prison you have been encased in your entire life. 

You are NOW finally free to access your deepest heart felt desires to be all you have always aspired to be do and have:


The iconic love story (with SP or new love interest)

Create and finally elevate your success 
Attract long lasting relationships
Increase your income 
Attract high-end clients 
Discover your soul’s true purpose 
Achieving your ideal body 

The list is now endless!

You will then take your new identity and naturally blend it beautifully into phase 2!  


Whilst you are remaining focused on your self-love deep healing practices from the captivating library of teachings you can still join the live VIP calls and get your hot seat time with me, you will now learn the manifestation skills in how to become a master at Neville Goddard’s techniques (blending in beautifully with your new identity). To bring your vision of your iconic love to reality. and so much more. This is not just a transformation in one area, but all areas of your life. Yes it is that powerful when you are that dedicated and committed. 

I am available:

I am available Tuesday, Wednesday's and Thursdays only between 11am UK and finishing no later than 5pm UK time.

sessions can be taken weekly or bi weekly. ​

Please do check the time zone clock below

for any changes to these times due to Summer time hours shifting forwards in March. 


This journey is magical and my clients in the programme are not only feeling into their new empowered identity through the deep advanced inner healing neural pathway mapping work from phase one, but they are now experiencing so many incredible and life transforming results in their life. 


This is truly a cherished moment in time, for you to experience just how incredibly powerful you are, now you are

waking up to the truth of you. 

You have unlimited access to an exclusive library full of captivating content to immerse yourself in, in between our time together, which will keep you truly engaged.

It really is about taking one module week by week before embarking on the next and your dedication.


This is going to be a truly unforgettable enchanting journey that we will share intimately in our 1-2-1 sessions together,


It is destined to become a cherished chapter in your timeless love story. 

The full investment for this unique 2 month intensive and intimate 1-2-1 experience with me

£5,888 GBP ($7,477 USD estimate)

I have also incorporated 2 split investment options for you:

Investment plan for 2 months: £3,111 GBP ($3, 950 USD estimate)

Investment plan for 3 months £2,148 GBP ($1,691 USD estimate)

If you are ready to create an iconic love story, to dive into advanced neural pathway rewiring with me blind spotting you in the intensive intimate private 1-2-1, to receive mind blowing levels of abundance and to learn an advanced, life transforming technique, to recode your neural pathways, then you want to get inside

Be LOVE! The Intensive Intimate 2 month 1-2-1 Experience with Natalie.


Simply select the investment plan of your choice clicking the preferred option in the buttons below, or you can DM me on insta using the link to insta in the menu above or email me the key words "Be LOVE 1-2-1" for a chat 


Your journey to experiencing the life you deserved is closer than you realise. 

You will be asked to sign a contract with the terms and conditions prior to making an investment 


Much love to you all

Natalie XXX

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